Dig Deep (Challenges)

Mount Kilimanjaro 2023

Shaun Connor

Shaun Connor

Shaun Connor
Fundraising as part of team: Loughborough

My Story

Next Summer, I am taking on the challenge of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest peak and the world's highest freestanding mountain. I am doing so to support Dig Deep, an organization that believes every resident in Kenya has a fundamental right to the provision of clean water, safe toilets, and good hygiene.

Dig Deep works in Bomet, a county where 8 out of every 10 people lack access to clean water, safe toilets, and good hygiene. Most residents live in rural communities and spend hours walking to collect dirty water or find a safe place to relieve themselves. Alongside this, dirty water and poor hygiene spread diseases and sicknesses contributing to more lost time. 

For a child, this can mean the difference between dropping out of primary school and completing a full education.

For a parent, this can mean the difference between struggling to get by and earning enough to improve the standing of their family.

Dig Deep's purpose is to collaborate with the Kenyan government, local businesses and communities, to transform the provision of clean water, sanitation and good hygiene in Bomet County - one of the most challenging and least resourced areas in the country.

They take an integrated approach to their work, using partnerships, education, training and advocacy to create sustainable change for Bomet County's 1 million residents.

For more information visit www.digdeep.org.uk

My overall fundraising target is £2950
50% of which goes directly to accelerating access to water, sanitation, and good hygiene in Bomet County, Kenya.
50% of which goes towards my expedition costs facilitating economical improvements in the communities surrounding the mountain. 

Any support to help me reach my target is greatly appreciated, thank you!

Dig Deep (Challenges)

Raising for:

Dig Deep (Challenges)


  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

Next Summer, I am taking on the challenge of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest peak and the world's highest freestanding mountain. I am doing so to support Dig Deep, an organization that believes every resident in Kenya has a fundamental right to the provision of clean water, safe toilets, and good hygiene.

Dig Deep works in Bomet, a county where 8 out of every 10 people lack access to clean water, safe toilets, and good hygiene. Most residents live in rural communities and spend hours walking to collect dirty water or find a safe place to relieve themselves. Alongside this, dirty water and poor hygiene spread diseases and sicknesses contributing to more lost time. 

For a child, this can mean the difference between dropping out of primary school and completing a full education.

For a parent, this can mean the difference between struggling to get by and earning enough to improve the standing of their family.

Dig Deep's purpose is to collaborate with the Kenyan government, local businesses and communities, to transform the provision of clean water, sanitation and good hygiene in Bomet County - one of the most challenging and least resourced areas in the country.

They take an integrated approach to their work, using partnerships, education, training and advocacy to create sustainable change for Bomet County's 1 million residents.

For more information visit www.digdeep.org.uk

My overall fundraising target is £2950
50% of which goes directly to accelerating access to water, sanitation, and good hygiene in Bomet County, Kenya.
50% of which goes towards my expedition costs facilitating economical improvements in the communities surrounding the mountain. 

Any support to help me reach my target is greatly appreciated, thank you!

Shaun Connor is fundraising towards